About SMM's YuvaMandal

YuvaMandal is a youth committee of adolescents who are in grade 9th through 12th. The committee was formed in 1995 to promote Marathi and Indian culture to these group of adolescents and teenagers. Every year a new committee is elected . The group selects their own President, Secretary and Treasurer. The YuvaMandal has grown since 1995. The YuvaMandal members are supervised by a adult advisor who is also a SMM Executive Committee member. Under the supervision the YuvaMandal has been involved in several activities including helping for all SMM events, MC-ing Ganesha Chaturti children’s program in our own Marathi language, conducting food drive, spending day at northwest harvest to help package food, participate in Relay for Life to support American Cancer Society in the fight against Cancer, coordinating sports for SMM picnic, and much more. These activities have brought teenagers together with extended friendship and bonding. The work they do also gives them an opportunity to collect community work credit hours for the academic year at school. Several of these children have written articles in SARATHI and spread their knowledge and talent. The YuvaMandal’s activities have promoted healthy cultural, social, and academic growth in these young children.

The YuvaMandal maintain their own website here.

Activities of the Mandal

  • YuvaMandal has snacks stall, along with selling soft drinks and water, during the annual Sankrant event. They also have other activities for children such as face painting, carnival games, henna painting, etc.
  • YuvaMandal helps with any Musical or Natak events, babysitting, soft drinks and water stall, and selling pizza for kids.
  • YuvaMandal is taking efforts to raise funds for American Cancer Society’s Relay-for-Life event, sponsor Easter Baskets for homeless kids, Adopt-a-Family for Christmas, and other initiatives.
  • They plan for a field trip to a local charity organization, Northwest Harvest, as a team and family to spread the culture of rewarding volunteer work.
  • For the SMM annual picnic, they plan outdoor Indian games such as Kho-Kho for kids as well as adults.
  • It has now become a trandition that YuvaMandal does MC-in in Marathi for the kids’ Ganapati program, as well help with the Arati and prasad.
  • For SMM DandiyaYuvaMandal helps get everybody involved and plan exciting routines on Navratri music.

Join SMM Yuva

How To Join Yuva – If your kids are in the 8th grade or up ,they can fill out the application form. After filling out an application ,they will be contacted and invited to the next event. We look forward to seeing them in Yuva team.


  • All children of current SMM members enrolled in grades 5th through 12th and below can be members of the Yuva Mandal
  • They should have SMM family membership for the Mandal year 2024-25. (It means for both, current year and next year.)

What’s the time commitment? – There is no hard and fast rule but individuals need to show some commitment and plan to make this successful. We will discuss more on this in our first meeting.

Click here to fill the application form.

Committee Members

Every year, in June, the YuvaMandal has elections for the Executive Committee members and choose their leaders for the subsequent year.

The Yuva committee for the year 2023-2024 has formed which has 5 members as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Web-master.

Any questions on YuvaMandal or activities can be directed to yuva@seattlemm.org