To buy membership visit Membership Levels page and select your membership type and make required payment.
Membership Benefits
- Discounted rates for the events, musical shows and popular Marathi plays (natak).
- Get exclusive buying time as we open some shows for members only one/few weeks before they are open to all and some events are only for members.
- Free entry for some events like Sankrant, Marathi Bhasha Din, SMM picnic, Mangalagaur, SMM Bhondla and Dandiya, etc. Free gifts (Vaan) on Sankrant, Mangalagaur, Diwali (faral), etc.
- Discounted stall fees for events like Sankrant, Ganesh Utsav, SMM Dandiya event.
- Free training for Dhol-Tasha, Zanj and Lezhim
- Opportunity to participate in the talent shows, Dhol-Lezim pathak etc.
- Sarathi, our annual Diwali magazine serves as a vibrant platform for our members (including kids and youth) to showcase their talents
- Discounted fees on Kids Summer Camp event (single day event)
- SMM Yuva Mandal is open to children (12+) of SMM members. It fosters cultural involvement, socializing skills, friendship, and community bonding. They can earn community service credits for school. Additionally, by participating in various SMM events, they gain valuable life skills, including socializing opportunities, event and money management.
- Visiting parents can join their families to attend SMM’s free events and receive discounts on some ticketed events. Additionally, they have the opportunity to contribute to Sarathi.
- SMM members can take on leadership roles in the SMM Executive Committee, gaining or sharpening their skills in event management, team leadership, and community engagement. They develop new skills, build confidence, and gain experience through active participation in hosting SMM events and initiatives.
- SMM members can participate in voting during the Mandal’s Annual General Body Meeting, and can contribute to reshaping the bylaws by submitting proposed amendments.
- Also, SMM members feel a sense of belonging to a community that shares their values, traditions, and cultural heritage.
- Above all, membership helps Mandal in organizing quality events. Your contribution helps us sustain the expenses that incur in hosting such quality events.